VIRTUAL: JOB SEARCH HELP -- Find Your Next Job With The BRIDGE Method

Monday, December 162:00—3:00 PMOnlineTewksbury Public Library300 Chandler Street, Tewksbury, MA, 01876

**PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A VIRTUAL PROGRAM THAT WILL TAKE PLACE VIA ZOOM. Registrants will receive a link to access the Zoom Webinar via email.** 

In addition to those out of work, at any given time, 50 percent of the work force is seeking a new job, or considering a career change. To combat the increased competition for every opening, Career-Life Coach Dawn Quesnel developed the B.R.I.D.G.E. methodology, a job search method featured on the news, and published by "101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career." B.R.I.D.G.E is an acronym for the time-tested, six-step job search process with a 15-year track record of success that Quesnel has used to lead hundreds of job seekers to jobs and careers they love. 

The B.R.I.D.G.E. methodology can: Help you best articulate the type of position you’re looking for; Help you develop a strategy for tapping into the hidden job market; Help you reduce the amount of time it takes to get hired; Help you get more interviews; Establish clearer, more precise goals and objectives; Achieve a broader and deeper understanding of your new or current field; Create a more dynamic network of business contacts; and Implement an actionable strategy to achieve your career goals and land the right position in half the time

Led by Dawn Quesnel, CPCC, of Quesnel specializes in job search, job changes, raises and promotions. She’s an award-winning career coach & recruiter, and a professionally certified coach. As a former executive recruiter and radio show host, she has produced and hosted more than 175 radio shows, and has conducted more than 4,000 interviews (casting, recruiting and radio combined). She is a frequent emcee for educational career days and job search group facilitator. 

Register directly on Zoom HERE. 

RECORDING NOTE: This program will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recording via email within 48 hours of the program.

ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: The Tewksbury Public Library does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing a reasonable modification to participate in our events, services or documentation. Contact Director Diane Giarrusso at 978-640-4490 or at least two weeks before an event to arrange for modification, or at any time you need accessible documents.

Registration required via Zoom link.